Welcome to our 2023 #EmergencySavingsSummit. On this page you will find timings for the day and other session details. We want this event to be as interactive as possible, so join in the conversation via slido and put your questions to the speakers.

Join us and our expert panels for the day’s sessions:

12pmRegistration and networking lunch
12.45Housekeeping and safety announcement
1.00Welcome address Read More
1.30Managing the tensions – taking a joined-up approach Read More
2.40Refreshment break
3.00Keynote speech by Dame Clare Moriarty DCB: Understanding saving in the cost-of-living context Read More
3.30Scaling participation – how to get more people started on the saving journey Read More
4.40Thank you and close of formal event and live-stream Read More
4.45Chatham House discussion: Recap of the day and Q&A Read More
5.20Close of in-person event and thank you Read More
5.30–6.30pmDrinks reception

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Throughout the day, we’ll be inviting you to share your views on the different topics discussed, and put your questions to our expert panels. You can vote and ask questions by visiting slido.com and entering #EmergencySavings, or simply join the conversation using this link.

You can also join the conversation on Twitter, using @NestInsight and #EmergencySavingsSummitFollow us on Twitter.

About the Nest Insight’s emergency savings programme

Since 2019, we’ve been working with employers and delivery partners to test the effectiveness and impact of a hybrid workplace savings tool called Jars which combines short- and long-term savings goals (also known as the ‘sidecar savings’ trial). Our Jars savings tool research is being trialled with participating employers BT, ITV, StepChange, Timpson and the University of Glasgow. Salary Finance is the trial’s technology partner, providing the Jars tool. This research is supported by the BlackRock Foundation, JPMorgan Chase and the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS).

In November 2021 we launched a second workplace trial. Working with SUEZ recycling and recovery UK and their credit union TransaveUK, we are testing whether an opt-out joining mechanism could enable many more people who want to save through payroll for the shorter-term to get started. And in November 2022, we announced a new pilot with Wagestream to explore the impacts of different nudges to support employees to get started with saving. These two trials form part of our opt-out payroll savings programme, supported by the BlackRock Foundation and MaPS.

Nest Insight leads the workplace savings research programme, working with academics Sarah Holmes Berk, John Beshears, James Choi, Jay Garg and David Laibson as well as MaPS.

Will Sandbrook
Managing Director | Nest Insight

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Jo Phillips
Director of Research and Innovation | Nest Insight

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Clare Moriarty
Chief Executive Officer | Citizens Advice

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Gemma Gooch
Co-Head of Global Social Impact | BlackRock

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Mariel Beasley
Co-Founder | Common Cents Lab

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Gavin Lewis
Managing Director | BlackRock

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Helen Dean
Chief Executive Officer | Nest

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Sarah Holmes Berk
Research Project Director | Harvard University and NBER (US)

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Peter Tutton
Head of Policy, Research and Public Affairs | StepChange Debt Charity

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Sarah Porretta
Executive Director for Propositions, Insights and External Engagement | Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)

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Pete Glancy
Head of Policy | Scottish Widows

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Emily Trant
Head of Impact and Inclusion | Wagestream

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Ann Doherty
Managing Director| J.P. Morgan

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Roger Shelton
Marketing and Business Development Manager | TransaveUK

Please be aware we are running our 2023 #EmergencySavingsSummit as a paperless event. If you have any questions about the programme or have trouble accessing the agenda, please get in touch with a Nest Insight team member.